Savage Sword of Conan #45 (1970) - 7.0 FN/VF *The Gem in the Tower*
Savage Sword of Conan #21 (1970) - 5.5 FN- *The Horror From the Red Tower*
Savage Sword of Conan #19 (1970) - 6.5 FN+ *Vengeance in Vendhya*
Savage Sword of Conan #18 (1970) - 6.5 FN+ *The Battle of the Towers*
Savage Sword of Conan #74 (1970) - 8.5 VF+ *Lady of the Silver Snows* Newsstand
Savage Sword of Conan #103 (1970) - 5.5 FN- *White Tiger of Vendhya*
Savage Sword of Conan #22 (1970) - 6.0 FN *The Pool of the Black One*
Savage Sword of Conan #20 (1970) - 6.0 FN *The Slithering Shadow*