Daredevil #193 (1964) - 8.0 VF *Bitsy's Revenge* Newsstand
Daredevil #192 (1964) - 9.2 NM- *Promises* Newsstand
Daredevil #190 (1964) - 5.5 FN- *Elektra Lives/Great Cover*
Daredevil #189 (1964) - 8.5 VF+ *Siege* Newsstand
Daredevil #188 (1964) - 8.0 VF *The Widow's Bite* Newsstand
Daredevil #187 (1964) - 8.5 VF+ *Overkill* Newsstand
Daredevil #186 (1964) - 9.0 VF/NM *Stilt Man* Newsstand
Daredevil #185 (1964) - 6.5 FN+ *Guts/Cool Cover* Newsstand
Daredevil #183 (1964) - 7.5 VF- *Classic Punisher Cover
Daredevil #182 (1964) - 9.4 NM *She's Alive/Frank Miller*
Daredevil #181 (1964) - 7.0 FN/VF *Death of Elektra*
Daredevil #181 (1964) - 2.0 GD *Death of Elektra*
Daredevil #180 (1964) - 9.4 NM *The Damned*
Daredevil #179 (1964) - 6.5 FN+*Spiked/Great Cover* Newsstand
Daredevil #178 (1964) - 7.0 FN/VF *Paper Chase/Luke Cage & Iron Fist*
Daredevil #176 (1964) - 7.p0 FN/VF *1st Appearance Stick* Newsstand
Daredevil #131 (1964) - 4.5 VG+ *1st Appearance Bullseye* No MVS
New Mutants #13 (1983) - 7.0 FN/VF *School Daysze*
New Mutants #6 (1983) - 7.5 VF- *Road Warriors/Silver Samurai & Viper*
New Mutants #5 (1983) - 8.0 VF *Silver Samurai & Viper*
New Mutants #4 (1983) - 7.0 FN/VF *Who's Scaring Stevie* Newsstand