Fantastic Four #251 (1962) - 9.2 NM- *Cool Cover/Negative Zone*
Master of Kung Fu #51 (1974) - 8.0 VF *Cool Gulacy Cover*
Savage She Hulk #15 (1980) - 6.5 FN+ *Delusions/Great Cover*
Rom #35 (1979) - 9.2 NM- *Agony in Atlantis*
Captain America #287 (1968) - 6.0 FN *Awesome Deathlok Cover* Newsstand
Master of Kung Fu #64 (1974) - 8.5 VF+ *Great Gulacy Cover*
Avengers #236 (1963) - 9.0 VF/NM *Great Spiderman Cover* Newsstand
Master of Kung Fu #71 (1974) - 7.0 FN/VF *Awesome Zeck Cover*
Master of Kung Fu #101 (1974) - 9.0 VF/NM *Great Zeck Cover*
Thor #201 (1962) - 4.0 VG *Great Kane/Colletta Cover*
Daredevil #190 (1964) - 8.0 VF *Elektra Lives/Great Cover* Newsstand
Spectacular Spider-Man #72 (1976) - 9.0 VF/NM *Awesome Ed Hannigan Cover*
Spider Woman #42 (1978) - 8.0 VF *Cool Silver Samurai Cover* Newsstand
Creepy Things #6 (1975) - 8.5 VF+ *Cool MIke Zeck Spider Cover*
Kull and the Barbarians #2 (1975 Magazine) - 6.5 FN+ *Teeth of the Dragon*
Daredevil #179 (1964) - 6.5 FN+*Spiked/Great Cover* Newsstand
Moon Knight #8 (1980) - 5.5 FN- *Night of the Wolves*
Master of Kung Fu #101 (1974) - 7.0 FN/VF *Great Zeck Cover* Mark Jeweler
Daredevil #159 (1964) - 3.5 VG- *Frank Miller Bullseye*
Star Wars #75 (1977) - 8.0 VF *Tidal* Newsstand